How to place an order on “BabuLife”?

Placing an order in BabuLife is like “Piece of Cake“. Just follow few simple steps mentioned below:

Find your desired product from our BabuLife website.

From the product page click on “Buy Now” if you just want a single product to order

Click on “Add To Cart” if you want to add more products to the cart.

After adding all of your desired products in Cart > Go to the cart > select the products you want to order.

Click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button

Choose your preferred delivery method (Home Delivery/Collection Point) & use coupon voucher code if you have any.

To proceed for payment click on the “Proceed to Pay” button > Select a payment option before clicking the “Confirm order“.

After confirming the order and completing the payment, you will get a confirmation notification from the App and by SMS/email to let you know that the order is successfully placed.